The Politics
AUTHOR: Aristotle
CATAGORY Politics, Political Ideologies
PUBLISHER: Fingerprint Publishing
The Politics, Aristotle, Politics, Political Ideologies, Fingerprint Publishing, Purplebookhouse, Books, English, Online Book Store, Book Shelf, Buy English Books Online, Online English Book Store
Man is naturally a political animal” is it possible for a state to achieve the ideal state of governance, one that creates utmost happiness for its citizens? Are we right in considering democracy as the best form of government? In fact, why have a government at all? Aristotle answers these questions, and many more, in his treatise the politics. Beginning with a discussion on the purpose of a city, the book lays before the readers The inner workings of the political system of Greece’s city-states, offering an insightful but sympathetic study of their faulty governance, and brilliantly comments on how far they are from the ideal government Aristotle describes in the beginning of the book. The politics is a ground-breaking work, drawn from one of the best intellectual minds, and remains a significant text in the history of political thought.RETURN & REFUND POLICY
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